Signature Pink Sunglasses
Scotty’s Signature Pink Sunglasses that we have adopted and love. Scotty was rarely without these respectable spectacles, representing his love, positivity, and energy. They have become our logo, but they mean so much more. Wear these when you feel happy, need a pick-me-up, or want to smile, and no matter what you do, live every day, every moment to the fullest – just like Scotty. Right Arm has a white #skiforscotty.
Scotty’s Signature Pink Sunglasses that we have adopted and love. Scotty was rarely without these respectable spectacles, representing his love, positivity, and energy. They have become our logo, but they mean so much more. Wear these when you feel happy, need a pick-me-up, or want to smile, and no matter what you do, live every day, every moment to the fullest – just like Scotty. Right Arm has a white #skiforscotty.
Scotty’s Signature Pink Sunglasses that we have adopted and love. Scotty was rarely without these respectable spectacles, representing his love, positivity, and energy. They have become our logo, but they mean so much more. Wear these when you feel happy, need a pick-me-up, or want to smile, and no matter what you do, live every day, every moment to the fullest – just like Scotty. Right Arm has a white #skiforscotty.
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Every purchase helps us raise money to empower youth by making ski, snowboard and skate more accessible to underserved communities and assisting athletes in reaching their full potential.